Fall Covered Dish Dinner


by Rose Lynn Scott

Fall Covered Dish Dinner
September 18, 2012 6:30 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Lily B. Cafeteria

Hope everyone plans to come to our Fall Neighborhood Covered Dish Dinner in the Lily B. Clayton Cafeteria. This is always a fun meeting....we get to EAT!!!

This is a good time to bring that new casserole or salad that you've wanted to make....or that cake you saw in a magazine. It is always delicious, bring the whole family and remind your neighbors to come, too. New neighbors on your block? Bring 'em!

The meeting will be brief...not a good idea to talk with your mouth full, huh?

So everyone plan to come.... bring a casserole, appetizer, salad or dessert to share, and bring your neighbors, too.

All the dinnerware will be brought by Margaret and Walter Brady. We will have iced tea and water to drink.

Questions? Please call Rose Lynn Scott 817-807-6748