
by Kyle Jensen, MHA President

“Even the rich are hungry for love, for being cared for, for being wanted, for having someone to call their own.” —Mother Teresa

Life experiences have taught me that being true to and at peace with myself is where I need to begin. Then happiness in relationships and success in my profession will come more naturally. There are those, and I am one, who holds the view that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. How can we activate
our spirit and engage with life in ways that are more enriching, rewarding, and fulfi lling? The methods of acquiring wealth have been written about many times. The book The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattle identifi es the approach of receiving material wealth. However, it can be applied to any aspect of your life—health, wealth (well-being) and happiness.

What do you want out of life?

CLARITY OF VISION—It is important to envision yourself experiencing what you truly want in life. The fulfillment of an important relationship? An employer that is loyal to you? Peace of mind, effective communications with co-workers, healthier patterns of eating, sleeping or exercise? See yourself in the picture. Feel, hear, touch and taste what that would be like for you. Take a minute to reflect the richness of your vision. You might like to write it down, record it or go for a walk and allow the vision to become clearer for you. Be open to the ways you may be guided in your vision and how you can realize it.

CONDFIDENCE OF PURPOSE—Ask yourself the question: Why? Why is your vision important and meaningful for you? How will it serve you and others? Knowing your purpose will help to keep you on track amid all the distractions that life can throw your way. Your purpose is there to guide you and a reminder to keep moving toward your goal.

STEADINESS OF FAITH—Act as if the purpose were being fulfi lled; you are already enjoying living in the vision. Acting “as if” gives a way to overcome doubt. You may find yourself drawing on your reserves of courage, and in the process experience greater vitality and freedom than you have ever known.

DEPTH OF YOUR GRATITUDE—Education in life is about understanding. Training is about putting what you know into practice. I have known for a while that being grateful is a good thing. How can you make being grateful a part of your daily routine? For the past several months, I have been writing at least fi ve gratitude statements on a note pad at my office. I learned to be grateful even when things do not go my way because I am learning to assume that everything happens for a reason. Gratitude is a great attitude.

Seventeen years ago I got in a skiing accident and ended up cutting my quadriceps from the tendon. I had to relearn how to walk. But I was grateful for having the ability to walk and thought to myself, if limping was the worst that came out the accident rather than having a leg amputated or mutilated, I could handle it. While in that thought I remember taking one extra step and suddenly was no longer limping. I was healed, and grateful to whomever was watching over me.

Will you make an effort to meet me? I would like to hear what you think. What is important to you in our neighborhood:

• Our Chat Room
• On the back of your newsletter (drop us an email)
• Our webpage
• Our next members meeting (November 19th @ 7:00)

Join us as we make an effort to clean up our neighborhood and improve the quality of life for all those that live here.