
by Kyle Jensen, MHA President

From the moment we wake up to those last minutes before bed, it seems like there is never enough time in the day—whether it’s starting that fi rst load of laundry or watering the garden or sitting in an hour of traffic before work only to sit in an hour of traffi c after work and then inhaling dinner in order to take the kids to three different practices and then coming home in time to do homework and put the kids to bed to those last minutes spent looking over emails that needed answering a week ago. It seems like we have little time to think about volunteering for community projects. But busy schedules do not mean we have to write off community involvement. In thirty minutes or less, you can make a difference in the neighborhood. Here are some ideas that might inspire you to help our community in the midst of your everyday activities:

• Take part in our local festivals or other events. Most of these events are free and raise money for nonprofit organizations, many of which are in our area. Nine out of ten times these festivals are the only way these organizations make money and since sponsors look at attendance numbers to decide how much to give, your family’s presence can help increase what businesses give the following year.

• Carry a trash bag as you walk the block. Pick up any litter you see along the way. This does two things: it relieves stress through exercise and helps to clean up our neighborhood.

• Take leftovers from dinner to an elderly neighbor. If you have a family of four, cook enough dinner for fi ve one night and deliver a plate to the widow next door. Your thoughtfulness will allow you to get to know your neighbors better and will foster a sense of community.

• Get out and vote! While the presidential election is held every four years, city and state elections take place every year. Educate yourself about the candidates; your vote really does count.

• Write a letter to Mr. Burns or Mayor Price to encourage them to make good decisions for Mistletoe Heights. People work harder when they know they are appreciated. And elected officials rarely hear encouraging words. Mayor’s Offi ce, Attn: Betsy Price, 1000 Throckmorton St., Fort Worth, Texas 76102. District 9 Offi ce, Attn: Joel Burns, 1000 Throckmorton St., Fort Worth, Texas 76102

• Add a potted plant to your front porch. When a home is well-groomed, it’s a promotion for the entire neighborhood and supports the community by putting our best foot forward.

• Shop at neighborhood businesses. A percentage of the sales tax goes directly to our community.

• Look for an opportunity to donate to our community. Many schools have collections such as canned foods, old coats, toys, and eyeglasses that benefit less fortunate families.

• Encourage your employer to sponsor a local event. Get involved in a city organization. Many companies have volunteer programs to reward employees for community service. News outlets often cover large volunteer events and having employee representation gives businesses added publicity.

• Have a conversation with your friends about the positive aspects of our community. A positive image encourages residents to support local businesses and will increase the chance of new businesses coming to our area.

• Read the “We Need Your Help!” column in the newsletter and join the Mistletoe Heights volunteers. Check the volunteer box, and get to us. Set up a neighborhood event or volunteer to support them. You are reading this because of your neighbors. We need you!

By doing our part to contribute to the community, we add people to our circle of infl uence and gain opportunities to build relationships with our neighbors. It is also a way to set examples for our children—show them what it means to be a good citizen.

There are plenty of fun events to keep you close to home. Tell me what we can do to make our neighborhood better. We want to know what’s important to you.

Find us:
• Our Chat Room
• On the back of your newsletter (drop us an email)
• Our webpage
• Newby Park - Tuesday/Thursday at 5:00 pm for MH Boot Camp
• Our next members meeting (Aug 20 @ 7:00)

Join us as we make an effort to clean up our neighborhood and improve the quality of life for all those that live here.