
by Kyle Jensen, MHA President

Get up and step outside as we continue our initiative to promote neighborhood unity. Now that garages are cleaned out due to the success of our garage sale, it’s a great time to dust off that old bike. Ask your neighbor to take a ride with you. We live in a great area of Fort Worth with access to the Trinity Trails. Grab someone and go take a ride along the river.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” “It takes a village to raise a child.” “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle than you may think.” “Giving is better than receiving.”

These are familiar adages we all probably heard as children. They were told to us to help us learn how to build lasting relationships. Most of us grew up with neighbors who would gladly lend a cup of milk or sugar if asked. Friends would often watch each other’s children, no questions asked. If someone were grieving, injured or sick, neighbors would drop off food or flowers. This spirit of generosity is alive in our neighborhood and I would like to see it grow. My neighbor Rosaline is fantastic. She spent most of her Saturday helping me work on my old house. She and her husband, Steve, lent me the tools I needed. They saw a person in need and helped. Neighbors like that can’t be bought.

Thank you Rosaline and Steve for teaching me about community. If you have a similar story, please tell us about it by emailing

I notice as I get older and begin to create a family of my own, how these traditions of community and friendship are the basis of a happy, healthy life. I have friends that own homes and don’t know their neighbors’ names. I know people that keep a running tally on how many things they have done for their neighbors. That sort of attitude toward others does not foster a positive relationship. By giving, sharing, and genuinely caring about those around us, we receive the same from others. We become something greater than an individual household or family. We become part of a community and it is in communities that we fi nd happiness.

We are working hard to set up a lot of events to allow you to grab your neighbor and get together. The Mistletoe Heights Grand Opening of the Forest Park Pool Mixer with our Berkeley and Park Hill neighbors is this month. Information about this event can be found on page 8 of the newsletter. Please take part in our outdoor movie night on May 17. Login to our facebook chat room and make suggestions for which movie we should watch. Volunteer to bring a popcorn machine or other snacks. There are numerous fun events to keep you close to home. Come by and tell me what we can do to make our neighborhood better. I want to know what’s important to you.

Find us:
• On the back of your newsletter (drop us an email)
• Our webpage
• Our Facebook chat room
• Our next members meeting (May 21 @ 7 p.m.)

Join us as we make an effort to clean up our neighborhood and improve the quality of life for all those that live here.