
by Kyle Jensen, MHA President

How do you cope with stress? Do you look to food, television, tobacco, alcohol, or other solutions to calm your nerves? These options might take your mind off of your worries, but a lot of these “answers” can have a negative impact on your health.

I would like to offer another option for reducing stress and lifting your mood. This outlet will not only improve your mood but has long-term health benefi ts: Exercise.

I would like to see the neighborhood come to life, not only for our individual well being but also for the health of the community. Get out there and take a stroll around the block. Get familiar with the houses around you and what is happening down the street. I would like to see more people getting outside and moving, more people like Irene Stemple. Most days, about an hour before sundown, she will hit the streets of our neighborhood. I met Irene a few weeks ago while working in my yard; she was doing what she calls, “following the pig trail,” or taking a walk. She is 79 years old and has been a dedicated resident of Mistletoe Heights since 1967. She is a vibrant, active member of the community. She is happy, healthy, and strong, and her vitality enriches my day more than she knows. Thank you Irene for your love for our neighborhood, knowing you has improved my life.

Get out and create the Irene in you. Learn about your neighbors. See who is talking to who. The neighbors on the street behind me stand in their yards and talk. They give each other ideas on yard tips and more importantly they learn about those who share this neighborhood. When you know your neighbors, you take better care of the community in which we live. Invite me to your block for a walk. Tell me how we can make our neighborhood better. I want to know what’s important to you.

Find us:

• Our Facebook chat room
• On the back of your newsletter (drop an email)
• Our webpage
• Newby Park – Every Tuesday/Thursday – 5:00pm for SWEAT (MH Boot Camp)

Join us as we make an effort to clean up our neighborhood and improve the quality of life for all those that live here.