Mistletoe Heights Neighborhood Meeting
November 18, 2014 7:00 – 8:30pm
Attendees: Kyle Jenson, Jeri Jo Blackmon, Ben Belsher and Valerie Ewing.
Other Attendees: 38 Neighbors
Special Guests: Ann Zadeh City Council Member District 9
Host: Thomas Marvelli and Patty Decoster at 1326 Mistletoe Drive
Secretary: Valerie Ewing
7:15pm Special Guest: Meeting started by Kyle Jenson mentioning that this is his last meeting and it has been an honor to serve as President of the Mistletoe Heights Association for the last two years. Then he introduced special guest Ann Zadeh.
7:17pm Ann Zadeh, newly elected city council member for District 9, began by talking about budget shortfalls. In sum, there is not enough money to do all there is to do. Question: what streets get repaired or patched? That depends on the “squeaky wheel” concept, i.e., streets get fixed when people call and report problem areas the most. The city does not have enough employees to canvas areas looking for needed repairs so it is up to us. She stressed that the people need to communicate their needs. It is also important that the neighborhood association participate as well. She cited an example of one neighborhood association that discussed disbanding and donating their funds to a local charity and church. She said this is fundamentally a bad idea. Each neighborhood needs representation.
7:26pm Meeting Called to Order
Previous Minutes Accepted
7:27pm Ben Belsher – Development Report: the Price Hulsey townhomes on Jerome and Mistletoe Blvd are ready for lease. There are four 2-story homes, very upscale. The apartment building planning to be built on Jerome and Rosedale has not progressed since September. The developers are taking input from the Mistletoe Heights Development Committee and Ben will continue reporting on it. Jason’s Deli, next to Torchys, is under construction. We need someone to volunteer who can keep tabs on this area because the developers have a commitment to Mistletoe Heights. Fresh Market across the river is under construction. The pedestrian bridge may be done by spring 2015. The bridge goes under Rosedale/Tollway and is presently being used by autos but when complete will have converted to pedestrian only. A small waterpark is being added at the FW Zoo for toddlers. The First Financial Bank is under construction at this time. It is located at Forest Park Blvd and Rosedale. The developers are proud of their building and want to have a good relationship with our neighborhood.
7:33pm Stefanie Ball Piwetz – Newsletter Report: Stefanie was not present at the meeting but Jeri Jo Blackmon introduced Joe Halbach. He is the one responsible for making the newsletter look like it does. Thank you Joe!
7:34pm Kathy Jo Rogers – Welcome Report: Since the last meeting, nine welcome baskets have been delivered. Thank you to everyone who provided information on new neighbors. Once again, if you know of someone new to our neighborhood, please provide the name, address, and other information such as children or pets, to Kathy Jo Rogers: KathyJoRogers@yahoo.com.
7:38pm Kelly Hosley/Scott Ewing – Website report: We need help keeping the website updated so please volunteer your time if you can.
7:39pm Aaron Shutt – Gas well Report: In February a geological survey will be conducted in our neighborhood. The survey will encompass fifteen square miles including Mistletoe Heights, Berkeley and Fairmont. You will see Vibe Trucks with crew placing white boxes, mostly in alleys, that record vibration and map underground looking for gas. It will take about six weeks. An email will be sent out in January as a reminder.
7:44pm Rosaline Takes – Sound Wall Report: Rosaline was not present. Kyle Jenson mentioned that the wall is complete and we are waiting for the area to be backfilled, sprinklers installed and the curve redone to allow for a larger planting area.
7:46pm Andrew Clogg – Sidewalks on Jerome Report: Andrew was not present but Susan Pressley mentioned that Phase One will begin soon and we may have sidewalks on the east side of Jerome as soon as spring 2015. The sidewalks will run continuously from Park Place to Newby Park. Phase Two includes redoing some of the sidewalks located along the “walkway-to-school” route. We owe thanks to the Walking School Bus program and Mayor Betsy Price and Ann Zadeh.
7:48pm Jeri Jo Blackmon – Treasury Report: At this time we are ahead by $940. Our dues donations are down by $1500 compared to this time last year. Of the 500 households in our neighborhood, only 78 households have made dues donations this year. There is no required amount; any amount you can contribute will be helpful.
7:55pm Volunteers needed: Facebook Moderator (goal is to monitor if the people on it are actual residents of MH), Socktober, Jason Deli Plan, Pedestrian Bridge, Graffiti Abatement Art Project, Homeless dinner, Movie Night (spring and fall), Sign Fund Raiser, Historical Preservation. If you want to volunteer but need more information before you jump in, please email Kyle: Jensendenton@me.com Our neighborhood needs YOU!
New Business:
8:00pm Steven McReynolds – Nominating Committee consisting of the following Mistletoe Heights residents: Jeri Jo Blackmon, Ben Belsher, Kyle Jensen, Steve McReynolds, Jim Peipert, Susan Pressley, and Gaye Reed.
MHA Elected Officers for 2015:
President: Josh Lindsay
Vice President: Chad Jung
Newsletter Editor: Mary Ellen Peipert
Treasurer: Jeri Jo Blackmon
Secretary: Valerie Ewing
8:06pm Kyle Jenson gave a farewell speech.
8:08pm Meeting Adjourned