January 21, 2014 @ 7:00-8:30pm


Meeting Agenda

Call to Order (accept previous minutes)

Committee Reports

1.       By Laws: Not discussed.

2.        Development Report: The pedestrian bridge over Trinity River upriver from the Plaza on University as well as the sound wall being built along the berm - working on getting the latest information.

3.        Newsletter for February: The policy has changed as we no longer run an ad unless payment is received.  Also discussed was the possibility of recognizing Joe for his contribution as designer of the newsletter.

4.        Treasury Report – there is a net increase in income and the newsletter is profitable (see handout).  Details discussed: traffic committee expense, train issue and why it is almost $1000 (this was for 2012).  Only 25% of the neighborhood donates to MHA dues.  Budget for activities was also discussed: $50 for cheer station, garage sale $100, Easter Egg Hunt; the Presley family has traditionally done this and been reimbursed.  Movie night $300.

5.        League of Neighborhoods – awards dinner where the city got together to recognize neighborhoods for their service.  In attendance giving out the awards were Mayor Betsy Price, Councilmember Joel Burns and City of Fort Worth graffiti abatement coordinator Detra Call.    

Awards Recap:

Neighborhood Newsletter Awards: Arlington Heights

Fort Worth Pride Award: South Hemphill Heights Neighborhood Association

Spirit of Fort Worth Award: East Lake Worth Neighborhood Association

Ben Ann Tomayko Neighbor of the Year Award: Charles and Andrea Ansley of EastGate.

Health and Wellness Award: Village of Woodland Spring for their Drowning Prevention participation. 

Neighborhood of the Year Award: South Hemphill Heights Neighborhood Association

Neighbor of the Year Award: Martin Herring and Kyle Jenson awarded as finalists.


6.        Misc Items discussed:

Sound Wall – in progress at this time.  Waiting on updated information.

Thank you cards – the MHA Welcome Basket is now being handled by Kathy Jo Rogers and Diana Brandenberg.  It is given to advertisers and new neighbors. Additionally it was discussed offering loyal advertisers a free ad for one month or upgrade for free. 

Directory - is done and we are waiting on payouts.  It is going to the printer this month.

Website changes – it is different now, check it out!

Calendar – see handout for details on upcoming events in our neighborhood.

Cheer station – for the Cowtown Marathon coming up this February. 

Evacuation plan – we live in tornado alley and this year Kyle’s goal is to put together an evacuation plan and map for all residents. 

Sidewalk on Jerome - between Newby Park and Lily B. Elementary. Mistletoe Heights is “at the top of the list” but we have been at the top for years.  In order to make it happen, we will  need to be more active in our approach. The goal is to get a sidewalk built along one side, ideally both sides.  Cost: ~$20K for one side, $45-60K for both sides. 


7.        We still need Volunteers!  Needed: historian, Ad rep, Web Editor, yard of the month.  For Yard of the month, we need a new person to select yards and work with sponsorship and gift certificate.  One idea is to appoint your neighbor for yard of the month. 

8.       Other topics: midyear officers “hangout” or have the June meeting at a nearby restaurant. 

9.       What to do with extra newsletters: take them to nearby businesses for greater distribution. 


Meeting Adjourned