Minutes of the 20 August 2013 Mistletoe Heights Association Meeting
Meeting was held at 2341 W Magnolia Avenue, Home of Brent and Susan Pressley, starting at 7:00pm.
Guest Speaker
John Roberts, owner of the website fortwortharchitecture.com was guest speaker. The web site lists the major buildings in Fort Worth within each area of the city. Their names, addresses, the year they were built, and their historical designations will be listed.
John is a Registered Architect in Fort Worth, Texas, and is employed by Halbach-Dietz Architects.
A Fort Worth native, John graduated from R.L. Paschal High School in 1976, received his B.S. Degree in Architecture from the University of Texas at Arlington and received his Masters Degree in Architecture from UTA in 1983.
John is an architect, recipient of the 2003 John G. Flowers Award presented by the Texas Society of Architects. The John G. Flowers Award is given for the best promotion of architecture through the media. In 2004, John received the Citation of Merit Award from Historic Fort Worth, Inc. John was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of Historic Fort Worth, Inc. in January of 2013 and has been serving on this board since 2004. Additionally, John has been serving as President of the Fort Worth Bicycling Association since 2009.
John presented some interesting historic facts about Mistletoe Heights, the streets going through MH and the architectural history of Lilly B. Clayton Elementary. http://www.historicaerials.com was recommended to see the past path of the Trinity River. It was a very enjoyable presentation.
Business Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by Kyle Jensen. A hard copy of the 21 May 2013 minutes were made available. Julie Wilson made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Steve McReynolds seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Stephanie Ball Piwetz , newsletter editor, wants to commend Joe Halbach for helping with the newsletter design and Amy Beussink for help with advertising. If there are suggestions for the newsletter or if you would like to write an article for the newsletter, please email newsletter@mistletoeheights.org.
Apartment Complex Development
Ben Belsher, VP, and Neighborhood Development Committee lead, gave a report on the Apartment Complex development on the North East corner of the railroad tracks and Mistletoe Blvd. John Altman, the developer has pulled out of the investment, did not go through with the purchase of the land. It is not known whether the cause was the delay of the passenger train service south of downtown and hence the delay of the Mistletoe Heights/ Medical District train station. Dwight Hartwick, Architect for Proposed Apartments, has indicated a new developer from Dallas may be interested in developing the project, but as of now, the project is on hold.
There was some concern voiced that the delay of the train station may also delay the city's implementation plan of Mistletoe Blvd west bound traffic diversion to RosedaleBlvd. If the apartment complex is built before the train station, will the apt residents be routed to Mistletoe Blvd? The traffic committee will investigate that issue. It was noted the Apartment complex will probably generate more traffic than the train station.
There is another development in the works. Price Hulsey owns an empty lot near Jerome and Mistletoe Blvd (where the old apartment building once stood) and plans to develop six new townhomes. The lot is now zoned light industrial and the zoning will need to be changed to build townhomes. Mr. Hulsey met with the executive committee and presented a proposed design. The executive committee had some suggestions as to make the design with more vintage features. Mr. Hulsey has indicated he wants to work with the neighborhood to achieve a design suitable for everyone. It was noted that a residential development is preferred over other options. Claudia Camp suggested neighbors in close proximity to the development volunteer for Ben's committee.
Porch Meeting with Joel Burns
Melissa Kohout has a certificate for a porch meeting with Joel Burns. Melissa will be asking some of the neighbors to attend.
NTTA Noise Wall
The Noise Wall construction has been delayed once more. The contractor for the wall and the contractor for the Rosedale overpasses must have coordinated schedules because Rosedale lanes will need to be closed when the wall construction begins.
Alex Rodman said she and John Cosby have a meeting with Brian Beck, City Engineer, Monday afternoon at 4:00pm. Alex stated her goal is not to delay or change the wall, but to as for Irrigation and more plantable space/dirt.
On Wednesday August 21, 2013 Alex sent an email that states:
I believe there was confusion in last night's neighborhood meeting about the meeting the Cosby's and I have set with Brian Berk (sic). It is not a neighborhood-wide or even block-wide meeting.
Brian did not seem too receptive to a large group meeting (and rightfully so), so we asked him if he would consider swinging by our houses on the way to or from work someday to just hear from two of us, representing a larger group of concerned homeowners. He responded yesterday afternoon with a day and time.
I stopped down and talked with Marc on Sunday about this idea. I explained that we felt a neighborhood-wide or block-wide meeting with a city official might not be the most effective in presenting our concerns and getting answers to the questions we have. We did not want to subject him to hearing potential neighborhood disagreements because our city officials have seen that enough with our train and road diet discussions.
Like I said before, we are asking him to look at what we, the second receivers, stand to lose with this project, and ask him to review and consider our options for more dirt (which might not ever be possible) and definitely for the irrigation to be extended to that small area. We will reiterate that we are not trying to stop the wall, or slow the process because we would never want to undo the work you have already done. We are simply trying to show him that more than just four households (who he has already met with numerous times) are concerned about this project and the effect it has on our home values.
Alley Cleanup Day
There will be a Neighborhood Cleanup day Oct. 19 from 8:00 am until noon. This date was chosen because we hope it will be cooler weather and it is the weekend before the 3rd Monday Bulk Trash Pickup day. The suggested locations for cleanup are:
· Alley south of Magnolia, west of Forest Park
· Alley between 2100 Morphy and Harrison
· Muddy sidewalk on Mistletoe Blvd in front of empty lot
· Sidewalk on FP Blvd, west side, between Magnolia and Harrison
· Sidewalk in front of the (long) empty lot of Mistletoe Blvd
We are looking for volunteer of labor, tools, drinks and food. Drinks will be provided on site and a picnic lunch will be provided at Newby. More info will be in emails and newsletters. A volunteer signup sheet was passed around. Alex Rodman reports a scout troop from her church would probably be available to help for a donation to their scouting fund, and Alex very generously offered to make that donation.
It was suggested we contact Dr. Stuart Thomas, owner of the vacant lot on Mistletoe Dr. to see if we would purchase the materials (edging) required to prevent soil from being washed to the sidewalk during rainstorms.
Treasurer's Report
Jeri Jo Blackmon passed out the treasurer's report and noted that donations for 2013 have exceeded those of 2012. 91 of 455 homeowners/occupants have donated to the MHA this year.
Dues can now be paid on the MistletoeHeights.org website through PayPal. There is no need to have an individual PayPal account. An email receipt will be sent for each payment. MHA will be required to pay a fee for each transaction for this convenience.
Welcome Baskets
Alex Rodman reports she and Beth Krugler have delivered baskets to thirteen families over the last six months. The Hilton Garden Inn, Torchy's and Lavender Spa have donated coupons or gift cards. If you have vendor contacts that may be willing to donate or know of new residents, please contact Alex or Beth.
Alex would like to purchase some Blank Notes with the Mistletoe Heights Logo or scene on the card. Jeri Jo Blackman made a motion to spend up to $250.00 for the purchase of these cards. The motion was seconded by Steve McReynolds, the motion carried.
Alex suggested there be a contest for a neighborhood slogan. Alex will ask for suggestions and the neighborhood will have a chance to vote on it. Details will be announced in a future newsletter.
It was suggested Alex contact Marjorie Day to see if she had any more of the orange totes donated by Central Market. It is noted Central Market has made multiple donations to the neighborhood, such as supplies for the potluck dinners and ice cream for the Fourth of July Parade. Please tell our neighbor, Austin Jourde, general manager of Central Market, "thanks".
Scott Ewing and Jim Peipert are working on photo galleries for the MistletoeHeights.org website. Jim has taken photos of all but 25 of the Mistletoe Heights homes. If you have any historic photos of your house or the neighborhood, Jim and Scott would like to add these to the gallery. Scott Ewing will be having a column in the newsletter giving updates to the website.
Irene Stemple is working on an update to the neighborhood directory. Wendy Blanton will provide the database of the current directory to Irene. Please send Irene the information sheet that was in the newsletter, or email Irene with your info. nstemple@att.net
Neighborhood Activities
Fall is a great time for block parties. Please consider having your street host a block party for your street and/or invite the whole neighborhood.
Some expressed a desire for a Fall Movie Night. Kathy McReynolds made a motion for funds up to $400.00 be spent on a Fall Movie Night at Newby. Claudia Camp seconded the motion, the motion carried. Mike Brennan will get with Kyle regarding fall dates for Friday on the Green.
Road Diet
Susan Pressley reported the FP road diet has been delayed. The striping company that contracted with the city went bankrupt. Plan B is to let the county do the striping. The schedule is TBD.
League of Neighborhood
The bylaws specifically state the VP is to represent the neighborhood at the League of Neighborhoods. Rosaline Eastepp Takes volunteered to represent the neighborhood. Julie Wilson made a motion for Rosaline to represent the neighborhood and pay the $35.00 annual fee. Steve McReynolds seconded the motion, the motion carried.
Newby Park
Melissa Kohout is interested in starting a community garden, the land east of the pavilion and playground. The land is currently unused. Water is available at Newby. It was noted Home Depot provided support for the Fairmount Community Garden.
Cowtown Marathon and Baylor have expressed interest in helping provide a walking path around Newby. Melissa will gather more information and present a proposal at the November meeting.
Crime Watch
There has been a report of suspected drug activity (dealing) from four houses on W Rosedale South, east of Forest Park. One of our residents expressed interest in a Neighborhood Watch program. If you are interested in participating in the program, please contact Kyle Jensen. Please step your calls to police when any suspicious activity is seen on this street. Visit http://fortworthtexas.gov/codecompliance/ and understand city code. A confidential complaint can be filed at http://www.fortworthgov.org/codecomp/complaints/newcomplaint.asp Any suggestions or help to close the drug house would be greatly appreciated by the neighbors living near these houses. Mario Jacobo is a FW Code Compliance Officer that helped the neighborhood with the vagabonds camping at the river. His email is mario.jacobo@fortworthtexas.gov and his cell is 817-944-6895.
My personal comment regarding this issue: Some neighbors expressed their concern the NTTA noise wall and the view of the Rosedale overpasses will ruin their property values. Four drug houses in a neighborhood will probably ruin everyone's property values much faster than a view of an overpass. I hope the neighborhood will help and support our neighbors living near the drug houses and help solve this issue. Please contact Kyle Jensen with suggestions or willingness to serve on a committee to address this issue.
Jeri Jo Blackmon moved to close the meeting. Wendy Blanton seconded the motion. Meeting ended at 8:40pm
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